Price Feed

Price Displayed on ExtraFi dAPP

The price displayed, and users' position/debt/equity value on ExtraFi dAPP are directly based on the on-chain price from DEX (Calculated by the AMM model).

Liquidation Price Feed

Liquidation Price FeedDiscriptionTargets

Real-time Price

Price calculated directly from AMM pool



Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) calculated over a 30-minute period (Learn more about TWAP)

Assets that have adequate liquidity, exhibit low volatility, and possess strong fundamentals.

(Updated on May 10, 2024)

Utilizing TWAP ensures that positions are more resilient and better protected, particularly in highly volatile markets. This safeguard is designed to shield leverage farmers from sudden price fluctuations or malicious manipulations, reducing the risk of flash liquidation events.

Chainlink price feeds (for assets supported on Optimism) are also aggregated on ExtraFi DApp - it is used to avoid abnormal price fluctuation: only when the price difference among 'TWAP', 'current on-chain price', and 'Chainlink Feed' is under a reasonable threshold will the liquidation mechanism work - If there is abnormal price fluctuation, the transaction will be reverted to avoid price attacks.

Last updated